
Privacy Policy

TRAVWIN GAMES . provides this Privacy Policy to explain how it collects, stores, and uses the information collected in connection with TRAVWIN GAMES.’s software applications, and websites (collectively, “services”). TRAVWIN GAMES. respects the privacy of their users and is committed to protecting the user’s information. You have a right to know our practices regarding the information we may collect and use when you use our services. Please note that this privacy policy outlines information that could be obtained and used throughout the entire catalogue of services that TRAVWIN GAMES. offers, and that individual apps only collect a subset of the data referenced below.  The types of information we collect and how we collect it Personal Information  • TRAVWIN GAMES. collects the advertising identifier (Apple’s IDFA and Google’s advertiser ID) , and a unique identifier for each user in some of our mobile games.  • TRAVWIN GAMES. integrates third party SDKs in to our services. These SDKs ar